Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Are you a person who always has a new years resolution? Have you ever made a new years resolution for weight loss?

Do you usually stick to that resolution? For how long?

If you're like many people out there, you typically make a new years resolution that is very hard to stick with. If you're looking to make a new years resolution for weight loss this year I've got 3 tips for you:

1) Make sure it is something you can keep track of. For example, if your new years resolution was to "exercise for at least 30 minutes 200 times over the course of the year." That is a resolution that you could easily keep track of. Everyday you exercise you could put an E on your calendar. You'd know that you had to keep on a 4 workout-per-week pace if you wanted to reach your goal.

2) Make sure it is something that you can control directly. My example of exercising 200 times is something you can control directly. Losing a certain amount of pounds, or a certain amount of body fat isn't. It's eating right and exercising you will definitely be able to lose weight and body fat, but don't make that your primary goal. Focus on what you can do to lose that extra weight and body fat.

3) Don't go crazy! I hate to burst your bubble, but if your new years resolution is to exercise 7 days a week for 2 hours a day, you're chances of falling short of that goal are very high. Just think...all you have to do is miss one workout! If you set a more manageable goal, you'll still get some great health benefits....and you'll feel better about yourself when you achieve that goal!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah! Fits right into what we were planning for the new year. Thanks for the tips, Justin!