They say that up to 75% of the calories we burn on a daily basis is due to our "resting metabolism."
Don't get me wrong... if you're trying to lose weight, spending 90 minutes a day on the treadmill doesn't hurt! What I'm saying is that people who say "it's hard for me to lose weight because I have a slow metabolism" may have a legitimate gripe!
So, what can you do to speed up your metabolism?
Here are 3 things that will increase your metabolism so that you'll be burning more calories 24/7:
1) Pump some iron! You don't have to go crazy, but muscle is metabolically burns calories all the time! If you build some muscle, you'll definitely speed up your metabolism.
2) Stay away from white bread, white rice, white potatoes, juice, soda and anything with added sugar. These foods will put your body on a "blood sugar roller coaster" causing you to store more of your calories as fat, while making you crave more of these lousy foods no time!
3) Don't skip meals! When you skip meals your body actually thinks you're starving so it slows down your metabolism to conserve energy. Not only that....your body will hold onto those calories the best way it storing them as fat!
This is just a start, but if you've learned nothing else, I want you to realize that you have the power to fix your metabolism if you're willing to make a few lifestyle changes! Good luck!
I have never heard something like this before.It is very shocking 75% , it is just too much.
One more thing,I heard somewhere Muscle,Stamina Burn More energy as with muscles and stamina you usually have warm hands and legs even in winters as your body is constanly Giving enegy to muscles.How true is that?
When you're in good shape and you have a lot of muscle mass, your body is naturally burning more calories all the time. I wouldn't go so fat as to say that increase stamina and muscle mass makes you warmer though.
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