It’s so hard to find time to exercise now-a-days! That’s why…when I get the chance to exercise; I want to do everything I can! Here is an example of a workout I like to do that incorporates cardiovascular training, strength training, flexibility training, and balance training.
Set your stopwatch for 1 minute intervals and go for a jog with an exercise band in your hand. Preferably, you want to run on a trail or a bike path. After jogging for 10 minutes perform the following circuit of exercises. You’ll do each exercise for a full minute. Jog for a minute between each exercise. Repeat this circuit twice.
Plank-rows – This is an excellent exercise for your core! Get in a push-up position with both hands on top of you exercise band. While gripping the band, slowly pull your left fist up to your chest. Then lower your left hand to the ground and repeat with your right hand. Do this for a full minute.
Standing bicep curls to shoulder press – Stand on your exercise band while gripping it with both of your hands. Keeping your shoulders back in perfect posture, do a bicep curl followed immediately by a shoulder press. Each repetition should be slow and controlled.
Split-squat jumps – With one foot in front to the other, jump as high as you can, switching your feet in mid-air. Repeat for the entire minute alternating your front leg with each jump. Try to use your glutes as much as possible and always make sure your front knee is behind your front foot.
Rotation push-ups – Do a push-up and then reach your right arm as high as you can. Your chest should be perpendicular to the ground. After your next push-up reach your left arm up in the air. Do this exercise, alternating your arms for the entire minute.
Up and outs – Hold your band like you did for the curl-press. Keep your arms straight throughout the entire exercise. Bring your hands up in front of you, then out to the side, then back in front of you, and down. The entire movement should be slow and controlled. It’s one of the best shoulder exercises out there!
Alternate 1-arm snatches using your exercise band – Hold the band like you did for up and outs, but get down in a squat position with your arms down by your side. With one explosive movement, stand up and lift your left arm over your head. Then repeat with your right arm. The secret to this exercise is to keep your back straight and use the power of your legs to lift the band over your head.
Sometimes I’ll do a third set of rotation push-ups and plank rows if I want to get in some extra core work. Then I’ll do a 5 minute cool-down jog and I’ll finish with a 9 minute yoga routine. Specifically, I’ll do a “Triangle Warrior” followed by a “Sun Salutation,” holding each pose for 30 seconds. This entire workout takes under an hour. Not bad for such a complete workout!
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