I'm sure you're all anxiously anticipating the championships tomorrow. Many of you have worked very hard this season, and tomorrow is when it will all pay off!
Remember, it's all about competing WITH your teammates...if you can do more push-ups, crunches, and cover more distance in 5 minutes than you could day 1, then you win!
Here's the schedule for tomorrow's championships:
We'll start with a brief team warm-up. Nothing too extreme...but we don't want to go into the Ultimate Grind Championships cold!
Then...we will select teams of 2...maybe 1 team of 3 if we have an odd number. Teams will be selected randomly from 2 pools...UG veterans and UG rookies.
There will be 2 types of exercises; "batters box exercises" and "dug out exercises"
Batters box exercises score points for your team, but they will only count if your teammate is simultaneously doing their dug out exercise. For example...when you are doing your ice-skaters, your teammate will be holding a plank...and when you are doing your bent rows, your teammate will be holding a bridge. Not all events will consist of 2 exercises. Now for the official line-up:
1) Burpees (both teammates at the same time)- 50 each
2) Leg throwdowns - 50 total
3) Iceskaters (plank)- 100 total
4) Pushups (cobra)- 50 total
5) Crunches (hold low squat)- 100 total
6) Bent Rows (bridge)-100 total
7) Reverse chops (side plank)-100 total
8) Team mile (YTA)- 20 lengths total
Don't let the competitiveness of all this psych you out....it will be fun and we're all in it together! Good luck tomorrow!
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