Thursday, September 25, 2008

Weight Loss Tip of the Week -- Change Your Body Composition

Change your body composition? What's that mean?

If your asking these questions, you're not alone. So many of us have gone on diet after diet, obsessing about how much weight we lost this day or that day, yet we've never even heard the term body composition!

Changing your body composition is the single biggest secret to losing weight and keeping it off!

Your body composition is how much lean muscle you have in your body compared to how much body fat you have. You see, muscle is active, it burns calories even when you're not exercising. Fat, on the other hand, is nothing more than dead weight that you carry around.

Unfortunately, when we go on diets and obsess about losing weight, we often end up losing lean muscle mass rather than body fat. This slows down our metabolism, causes us to gain the weight back, and makes it even harder on us the next time we try to lose weight. That's why so many of us are fatter than we were the first time we decided to go on a diet!

There are two things you can do immediately to change your body composition:

1) Don't focus on cutting calories or "counting points." Instead, focus on more eating healthy foods like baked chicken and fish, beans, lentils, fresh fruits and fresh vegetables.

2) Do some strength building exercises two days a week. Some push-ups, stomach crunches, and body weight squats would be a great start. Once you get going, pick up a couple of exercise bands and watch the instructional video to add some more exercises to your repertoire.

And for goodness sake....stop living and dying by the scale! You want to burn the fat, but you want to build muscle!

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