Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Weight Loss Tip of the Week -- Eat Your Fiber!

Eating fiber is a good idea for 3 reasons:
1) It helps you to maintain a healthy digestive system.
2) If fills you up so you're not always hungry.
3) It lowers the Glycemic Load of your food. This keeps those carbohydrates from quickly converting into sugar, which means that you will have less of an energy crash, less food cravings, and for most of us...we won't store as much of the that sugar as fat!

Here are 3 ways that you can get more fiber into your diet:
1) Eat fresh, whole fruits and vegetables. This is one of the many reasons why it is better to eat whole fruits and vegetables than to just drink juices. Almost all of the fiber is eliminated in the "juicing" process.
2) Check the fiber content of any breads or cereals that you buy. If it has less than 4 grams of fiber, put it back on the shelf!
3) Add flax seeds to foods like yogurt and cereal. They'll add a nutty taste to your food and they are one of the best sources of fiber out there!

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